A Uniting Church coeducational independent day and boarding school on Kaurna Country, Adelaide, South Australia

Early Learning to Year 12

Head of Dance - Edition 8 - 2019

Last week many of the Westminster dance students had the pleasure of taking class in our newly refurbished second Dance Studio, formerly the old Early Learning Centre situated behind the Mathwin Centre.

We feel privileged to have had a professional wooden sprung floor built into this space, with a vinyl tarquet covering. This is a purpose built floor for dancers so as to keep growing bodies safe as they jump, leap and spring in a dance class environment.

This space will be utilised by both Preparatory and Senior Dance students in both the curricular and co-curricular Dance classes. The need for a second dance space highlights the growth of Dance at Westminster School and we are delighted to now have a newly appointed dance space that is safe for all as we move into Semester 2 and beyond.

Carolyn Obst
Head of Dance