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Subject Selections for 2025 

To support students and families make the best choices possible for next year, each year level cohort can access resources that detail both the curriculum and the selection process.  These resources include:

  • Year level specific Curriculum Information booklets 
  • Subject specific FAQs
  • Subject specific Information PowerPoint presentations
  • Families and students have participated in year level specific interactive Teams presentations, the links to which are available on request. 

The 2025 Year 7 to 12 online Curriculum Information Booklets are now available. Students and families are advised to access the relevant Curriculum presentations, read the Curriculum Booklet carefully, and then use the Curriculum Subject Planners and Approval Forms prior to submitting subjects.  We will once again be using the online Web Preferences portal to submit subject selections.

Student meetings

In addition to the above, during Weeks 3 and 4 of Term 3, current Year 10 and 11 students will attend a meeting with the Careers Pathways Advisors and Heads of Houses. This is to review their elective choices and ensure they are appropriate for their intended tertiary pathway.

The Curriculum Leaders, teachers and Heads of Houses are always available to talk through subject selections with students. Heads of Houses will be meeting all Year 10 and 11 students in the coming weeks to discuss the subject selection process prior to submission of their choices. Parents are also invited to book a meeting with me at any time to discuss 2025 subject selections.

General Careers Guidance

Further opportunities for careers advice are available at Westminster School’s annual Careers Expo which will take place on Monday 22 July, 4pm to 8pm. 

University Applications

Leaving high school can evoke a mix of fear and excitement in any teenager because the horizon seems boundless with opportunities. For those seeking a tertiary pathway, the university application process usually opens in early August and details will be sent to families as soon as they are published. Each Year 12 student has received a link to the 2025 SATAC Guide for them to start planning appropriate future university options. Jenny Howland and Jayne Fulton, Westminster’s Career Pathways Advisors, are available to meet with students individually to go through their university applications. Each year students are supported individually, and access guest speakers and advice sessions on UCAT for medical entry. Students will find the Career Pathways Advice office in the Library.