A Uniting Church coeducational independent day and boarding school on Kaurna Country, Adelaide, South Australia

Early Learning to Year 12

From the Principal - Edition 13 - 2022

In this eNews, please read the whole article, before disregarding any seemingly mumbo jumbo!

Once each two weeks it’s hard to write a piece in a newsletter you suspect only really unerringly Westies, the hardcore of engaged and enraptured, loyal mostly dedicated of this community crave. Reading, the boldest may at times see real, deep purpose and quote sharing, with relish, the message of the piece. Their kind sharing of the messages of our School only helps to grow in a totally true, congruent, affectionate tone the apt, honest, saga evolving humbly around our school. Building our new and cool teaching spaces really in truth means together staff and students could have, at hand, the best of education and communal learning sky scrapers SA’s ever seen put up. Now we all can start to prepare happily for when cars driving can all drop off pulling over safely, no stopping which prevents the other cars a clear steer.

Now if you have made it past the second paragraph, you are probably wondering if it was proofread. Or has Simon finally lost his last marble? It has been proofread, I don’t think I have lost my last marble, yet. But inspired by the recent release of the new 50 cent coin there is a code in the first paragraph for a message that was given to me nearly 30 years ago by a very dear friend and colleague who has since passed away.

Each fortnight our team puts in a lot of work to curate the eNews, pulling together vital communications and messages to share with our Community. The message that is shared is almost always the same message that is shared with our students at Assembly or around the School, making the eNews an essential tool for communication and sharing. To all of the parents who do read the eNews thank you! For those who share it with others thank you. So for you, the first paragraph is a chance for a reward. If you crack the code (which I think has no mistakes) and you can send me the message, the first two families who do so will receive a $50 pizza voucher!

While the code is a bit of fun and I know these words are being read by the dedicated, it is essential that we all do look at the eNews. Reading these articles each fortnight will help to ensure you know everything you need to about what is happening at Westminster. It can also help to ensure staff time is spent on things like building relationships with students, preparing lessons and supporting students, rather than having to repeat information in answering questions that have already been covered in the eNews.

So this week get stuck in. Solve the code, share wide and loud that for reading the eNews and cracking the code you got free pizza!

Simon Shepherd