A Uniting Church coeducational independent day and boarding school on Kaurna Country, Adelaide, South Australia

Early Learning to Year 12

From the Chaplain - Edition 19 - 2023

Community Generosity: A Reflection on a Year of Giving and Kindness

On Monday 4 December, a tear or two was seen at Westminster – in the most unlikely of places. Two maintenance crew from Uniting SA, based in Port Adelaide came in separate work vans to pick up the donations Westminster families gave for others whose Christmas this year may not be so easy. The pair were astounded at what was collected, and as they carted the load kept engaging me with “so generous”, “what wonderful people”. One of them, Chris, actually shed a tear as he told me of the needs amongst people to whom your gifts would be going.

With the completion of another year comes time for reflection. This is more often seen in New Year’s resolutions (if we make any) but they come only after a review of what has been. Thoughts like: In this past year, did I achieve my goals? Have I been successful in my work and school endeavours? Have I progressed in what is important in my life?

Not often asked, but possibly more productive are the simpler, closer to home questions: This past year, have I shown kindness? What has been my contribution to the lives of others? In the forgoing 12 months, what have I given, ‘paying it forward’?

And Westminster community - I am glad to answer that question for you! Count your generosity towards our combined Christmas in your reflections!

Thank you for thinking of our less fortunate neighbours, reaching out and offering goodness and kindness.

Rev Phil Hoffmann