Exploring potential in all its forms
At Westminster, an expansive scope of co-curricular opportunities is offered to students, with each program designed to engage them physically, academically, interpersonally, or intellectually.
To cater for the many and varied needs of each student, the Co-Curricular Program encompasses a vast range of interests and is designed to allow all students to develop their talents and realise their aspirations. All students are encouraged to partake in the Co-Curricular Program as part of a holistic approach to their development.
The Co-Curricular Program offers experiences ranging from spots, clubs, outdoor pursuits, the Performing Arts, and signature experiences through Round Square. Taking part in the program helps students to develop qualities such as confidence, leadership, resilience and social skills. These activities not only provide opportunities for individuals to work as part of a team, but also allow students to experience a challenge and strengthen their sense of personal worth beyond the classroom.
At Westminster, all students are encouraged to partake in the Co-Curricular Program to develop their interests and broaden their experiences.
Summer Sport
Offered on Saturdays in Term 1 & Term 4
- Badminton (Boys)
- Cricket (Boys)
- Tennis (Girls) - Monday or Saturday
- Tennis (Boys)
- Volleyball (Girls)
Offered Mid-Week in Term 1 & Term 4
- Basketball (Girls) - Wednesday PM
- Swimming Wednesday PM
- Volleyball (Boys) - Friday PM
- Sailing (Practice) - Wednesday PM, Regattas Sunday
Winter Sport
Offered on Saturdays in Term 2 & Term 3
- Badminton (Girls)
- Basketball (Boys)
- Football (Boys)
- Netball (Girls)
- Soccer (Boys)

Offered Mid-Week in Term 2 & Term 3
- Football (Girls) - Friday PM
- Soccer (Girls) - Wednesday PM

Clubs and Groups
Debate Team
Lead by Andrea Sherwood, Director of Learning
Debating is for fast, creative thinkers who love to argue! Debating can be an exhilarating and challenging co-curricular, requiring students to be knowledgeable and articulate critical thinkers, as well as organised and determined students. The Debate Team challenges students to showcase their teamwork and communication skills as they construct arguments under pressure to win debates.
Westminster School regularly competes in the Debating SA Schools’ Competition. This is an inter-school debating competition held each year from May to September, with teams debating approximately every three weeks at a designated venue as per a draw. Topics for debates are challenging and contemporary, with students meeting once a week with their coaches to write and practise their debates. During competitions, students are judged by an Adjudicator against a set of established criteria, with all divisions (except Year 5), taking part in a finals series held at the end of Term 3.
Design Club
Lead by Ella Camporeale, Curriculum Leader Art, Design and Digital Technologies
In Design Club, students have an opportunity to explore a variety of design areas across prototyping, materials manufacturing, product design, or digital design, graphic design, XR, CAD/CAM, architecture and interior architecture. Students can design, create, and make, with project runs based around student interest. There may also be opportunities to take part in various design challenges and competitions throughout the year.
Duke of Edinburgh International Award Program
Lead by Julie Englehart, Curriculum Leader Outdoor Education
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Program offers students a balanced, non-competitive program of voluntary activities that encourage personal discovery and growth, self-reliance, perseverance, and responsibility to themselves and service to their community. With a minimum age requirement of 13 years, The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Program offers flexible starting points across three levels – Bronze, Silver and Gold. Within each level, students must meet the requirements of four different categories including Community Service, Skill/Interest, Physical Recreation and Adventurous Expeditions. Students follow their chosen activities largely in their own time, with guidance from a knowledgeable mentor in each field. Upon completion, a badge, certificate and a minimum of 10 SACE credits at Stage 1 are awarded to those who show the necessary enterprise and effort to work through the challenges presented.
Environmental Action Group
Lead by Rachel Abercrombie, Senior School Teacher
The Environmental Action Group is dedicated to improving the sustainability of the school. Members work every week to identify and remove environmental issues that affect the School, and research, create, and plan environmental activities and projects. Current projects include an improved recycling program and a bee corridor at Sturt Grove Farm, but we hope to pursue many more. In participating in the Environmental Action Group, members foster and develop a range of skills including project management, gardening, public speaking (optional), script writing, optimism, patience, email and letter etiquette including structure and writing styles, communication, team work with a diverse range of ages, and build an understanding of politics both governmental and workplace based. Come join us in making the school a better place!
E Sports
Lead by Jason Greenslade, Curriculum Leader Science
Offered to students in Years 7 through 10, E Sports is the competitive playing of videogames. Offering stress relief, socialisation, and fostering creativity, E Sports also promotes strategic thinking, teamwork, and hand-eye coordination. In 2024, Westminster will be competing in the FUSE CUP against many other schools in South Australia, playing games including Just Dance 2024, Rocket League, Crash Team Racing and more!
Fashion Design Club
Lead by Kelly Rennie, Senior School Teacher and Anne-Marie Rodden, Senior School Teacher
A place where creativity meets craftsmanship, Fashion Design Club is dedicated to exploring the exciting world of fashion through a structured process. Through a series of scaffolded activities, students embark on a journey to master critical pattern cutting and garment construction techniques that will lead to independence and freedom of choice over what they design and make. From mastering basic sewing skills to creating intricate designs, Fashion Design Club provides a supportive environment for members to learn and grow.
Literature Club
Lead by Rachel Abercrombie, Senior School Teacher
Literature Club, comprised of both Book Club and Writers’ Club, meets two days a week and encourages attending students to expand on their English and creative skills. Students work towards entering various young writers’ competitions as a part of Monday’s Writers Club. The Writers’ Club also aims to provide a space for students to share work they may have written in the past or works they are currently writing with other members of the club for constructive feedback. During Wednesday’s Book Club, students are encouraged to share their thoughts on their reading journey. While traditional book clubs focus on the discussion of a shared text, students in “Book Club” are welcome to share their thoughts on separate books allowing each other to discover new authors and titles. Book Club is also a welcome place to interact with the School’s Book Week or the Premier’s Reading Challenge in conjunction with the School library.
Oliphant Science Club
Lead by Danielle Lockwood, Senior School Teacher
Offered to students in Years 5 through 8, the Oliphant Science Club focuses on producing entries for the Oliphant Science Awards, Administered by SASTA, these awards provide students with the opportunity to pursue passion projects in science, nurturing skills such as communication and problem-solving. By granting access to resources from the senior school science faculty, participants can delve into advanced concepts, enriching their scientific knowledge. Ultimately, this initiative aims to challenge students while fostering independence and curiosity in the field of science.
Photography Club
Lead by Natalie Zeidas, Senior School Teacher
Welcoming students with passion behind the lens, Photography Club is an opportunity for students to share their photographic work with like-minded students. Meeting on a weekly basis, Photography Club explores the use of DSLR cameras and Photoshop, whilst making use of the spacious grounds at Westminster School, and the facilities in the Photographic Studio.
Public Speaking
Lead by Reverend Phill Hoffmann, School Chaplain
Public Speaking is an occasional workshop experience for students with a specific interest in developing their skills. Students are coached to speak at Assembly, in Chapel, or classroom presentations. Public Speaking workshops often support the Term 3 House Speaking Competition, in which selected students compete representing their House.
Visual Arts Club
Lead by Dee Barton, Senior School Teacher, and Karen Horsell, Senior School Teacher
Art club is an opportunity for students to express themselves through the creation of personal choice artworks ranging from 2D to 3D. Through such exploration, students develop critical thinking and visual problem solving, and learn new ways to express themselves creatively in a casual studio setting. Group projects may also be undertaken and there is an opportunity for students to experience new media and techniques at their own pace, with the guidance of experienced art educators.
Outdoor Activities
Running Club
Lead by Jon Dyer, Head of Year 7 and Adam Thompson, Preparatory School Teacher
Offered to students in Reception though Year 12, Westminster’s Running Club offers a combination of interval, fartlek, and distance running. With a focus of improvement for students at any level of fitness, Running Club sessions are hosted on Monday and Friday mornings from 7:30am – 8:30am. Students are welcome to run on both days, or just one, and may prefer to train in Summer or Winter dependant on their sporting commitments throughout the year.
As Running Club takes place across campus, Junior Primary students must be accompanied by a parent/carer to provide support and supervision. Parents/carers of students in Years 3 through 12 are welcome to join in.
Performing Arts, Music, Drama and Dance
Lead by Sophie Wilson, Head of Dance
Creative Dance
Creative Dance is a full year commitment. No experience is necessary. Class are offered to students in Years 2-6 and will appeal to male and female students.
Creative Dance involves a range of movement and encourages creative dance making skills and collaborative involvement. Students explore technique and composition through a weekly class and are introduced to the performance aspect of dance through involvement in the Term 4 Year 2-12 co-curricular dance performance.
Foundation Ballet 1 (Years 7 - 12)
Foundation Ballet is a full year commitment. No experience is necessary. This class will appeal to male and female students.
Foundation Ballet is designed for students in Years 7 – 12 who are new to ballet, who have minimal experience and/or are returning to the genre after a break. This class is designed to provide students with a strong foundation on which to develop their classical technique as they progress through the ballet program. They will be introduced to the key principles of the technique, basic positions and a range of classical steps and simple sequences in order to develop skill and confidence in the genre.
All co-curricular dance students perform in the Term 4 Co-curricular Dance Performance.
Intermediate Ballet 2 (Years 7 - 12)
Intermediate Ballet is a full year commitment. This class will appeal to male and female students.
Intermediate Ballet is designed for students in Years 7 – 12 who have current experience in ballet technique and demonstrate confidence in foundation principles and steps. Students will be introduced to new steps in sequences of increasing complexity in order to develop their coordination and fluency. This class enables students to experience appropriate challenge and develop their classical technique as they progress through the ballet program.
All co-curricular dance students perform in the Term 4 Co-curricular Dance Performance.
Senior Ballet 3 (Years 7 - 12)
Senior Ballet is a full year commitment. This class will appeal to male and female students.
Senior Ballet is for students in Years 7 – 12 who have significant experience in ballet technique. This class is designed to extend students expertise in the genre. Students will be introduced to increasingly complex steps and phrases. The emphasis in Senior Ballet is on pace of class in order to develop strength, power and flexibility. This class enables students to extend their classical technique and confidence in the genre.
All co-curricular dance students perform in the Term 4 Co-curricular Dance Performance.
Classical Coaching 4 (Years 7 - 12 by invitation)
Classical Coaching is a full year commitment. This class will appeal to male and female students.
Classical Coaching is for students in Years 7-12 who have extensive experience in ballet technique and are dancing at an advanced level. Students are welcome to expression their interest; however, places will be offered by invitation only. This class is designed to extend students expertise in the genre. Students will be introduced to advanced steps in sequences of increased complexity. There is an emphasis on pace of class in order to develop strength, power and flexibility. Students are exposed to classical repertoire and supported to develop their musicality and artistry as classical performers.
All co-curricular dance students perform in the Term 4 Co-curricular Dance Performance.
Intermediate Commercial Dance (Years 7 - 9)
Intermediate Commercial Dance is a full year commitment. This class will appeal to male and female students.
Intermediate Commercial Dance is for students in Years 7-9 who are looking for a high energy class and to entertain onstage. Commercial dance involves the study of jazz, musical theatre and/or hip-hop genres depending on the particular expertise of staff. Students will be introduced to the foundations of the genre and new steps in sequences of increasing complexity in order to develop coordination and cardiovascular fitness.
All co-curricular dance students perform in the Term 4 Co-curricular Dance Performance.
Senior Commercial Dance (Years 10 - 12)
Senior Commercial Dance is a full year commitment. No experience is necessary. This class will appeal to male and female students.
Senior Commercial Dance is for students in Years 10-12 who are looking for a high energy class and to entertain onstage. Commercial dance involves the study of jazz, musical theatre and/or hip-hop genres depending on the particular expertise of staff. Students will build upon their strong foundation of the genre and learning new steps in complex sequences in order to extend coordination and cardiovascular fitness. Students will develop strength and flexibility, through conditioning exercises included in this class.
All co-curricular dance students perform in the Term 4 Co-curricular Dance Performance.
Tap. is a full year commitment. This class will appeal to male and female students.
A new co-curricular dance class in 2024, Tap is offered to students in Years 7-12 with a minimum of 2 years of experience in Tap. This genre emphasises fast and percussive footwork, supporting the development of co-ordination and rhythmical patterns. Tap is also a useful genre for those interested in developing their musical theatre skill set.
All co-curricular dance students perform in the Term 4 Co-curricular Dance Performance.
Intermediate Acro (Years 7 - 9)
Intermediate Acro. is a full year commitment. No experience is necessary. This class will appeal to male and female students.
Intermediate Acro. is for students in Years 7-9 who are looking to develop their acrobatic skills in a dance focussed class. Acro. involves the study of tumbling, inversions and pyramid building. This class establishes a sense of trust within the group due to the collaborative nature of the genre. With a focus on safe practice, the class also includes conditioning exercises for strength, endurance and flexibility.
All co-curricular dance students perform in the Term 4 Co-curricular Dance Performance.
Senior Acro (Years 10 - 12)
Senior Acro. is a full year commitment. No experience is necessary. This class will appeal to male and female students.
Senior Acro. is for students in Years 9-12 who are looking to develop their acrobatic skills in a dance focussed class. Acro. involves the study of tumbling, inversions and pyramid building. This class establishes a sense of trust within the group due to the collaborative nature of the genre. With a focus on safe practice, the class also includes conditioning exercises for strength, endurance and flexibility. Senior Acro. extends past the foundation skills developed in Intermediate Acro.
All co-curricular dance students perform in the Term 4 Co-curricular Dance Performance.
Dance Collective (Years 7 - 12 subject to audition)
Westminster Dance Collective is a full year commitment. Entry is by audition. This class will appeal to male and female students.
Westminster Dance Collective is for students in Years 7-12 who have extensive experience in contemporary technique and are dancing at an advanced level. Students are encouraged to nominate as an expression of their intention to attend the audition, however places will be offered by successful audition only. The Dance Collective meet as a company each week to create innovative and challenging dance material. This class is designed to extend students expertise in the contemporary genre. There is an emphasis on pace of class in order to develop strength, power and flexibility. Students are exposed to advanced movement content in sequences of increased complexity and supported to develop their musicality and artistry as contemporary performers.
All co-curricular dance students perform in the Term 4 Co-curricular Dance Performance.
Contemporary Indigenous Dance (Years 7 - 12 Indigenous Students)
Contemporary Indigenous Dance is a full year commitment. No experience is necessary. This class will appeal to male and female students.
Contemporary Indigenous Dance is for First Nations students in Years 7 - 12 who are looking to connect with culture, develop friendships and a sense of belonging through dance. This class is lead by a First Nations dance artist and includes a fusion of movement inspired by indigenous culture and contemporary dance. The students in the class are involved in the creation of content and direction that the group takes. In previous years, this class has performed at the Term 2 Reconciliation Assembly, either on its own or in collaboration with other dance students, and at the Term 4 Co-curricular Dancer Performance.
All co-curricular dance students perform in the Term 4 Co-curricular Dance Performance.
Aerial Skills
Aerial Silks is a full year commitment. No experience is necessary. This class will appeal to male and female students.
Aerial Silks is for Stage 2 Dance students who are looking to extend their dance skills using aerial apparatus. With a focus on safe practice, this class also includes conditioning exercises for strength, endurance and flexibility. Students have the opportunity to perform this genre in the Term 3 SACE and VET Dance Production and will document their progress as part of their Skills Development Portfolio.
Lead by John Doherty, Head of Drama
Junior Play (Years 8 - 10)
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Theatre Sports
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Lead by Kellie Blacker, Head of Music and Mike Degenhart, Director of Performance and Co-Curricular Music
Preparatory School Ensembles
Preparatory School Junior Choir
The Junior Choir provides students from Years 1 and 2 the opportunity to experience choral singing in a fun and relaxed environment. Performance opportunities include School assemblies, School functions and Concerts, and community performances.
Preparatory School Canto Choir
The Canto Choir provides students from Years 3 and 4 the opportunity to further extend their singing skills in a relaxed and supportive environment. There is no audition process for the Canto Choir, therefore this group is open to all interested Years 3 and 4 students. Performance opportunities include School assemblies, School functions and Concerts and community performances.
Preparatory School Vox Pops
Vox Pops is a non-auditioned vocal ensemble open to all Years 5 and 6 students. Students will develop their vocal technique and explore a range of contemporary styles. This ensemble focuses on performance practice and aims to sing with confidence at a high musical standard. Performance opportunities include School assemblies, School functions and Concerts and community performances.
Preparatory School Concert Band
Students in Year 5 and 6 who learn woodwind, brass, percussion or keyboard are invited to join the Concert Band. It is preferable that students have reached a desired standard on their instrument before joining. Entry to this group is at the discretion of the Preparatory School Music teachers and/or ensemble director.
Preparatory School String Ensemble
Students in Years 4 through 6 who learn violin, viola, cello or double bass are invited to join a String Ensemble. It is preferable that students have reached a desired standard on their instrument before joining. Entry to this group is at the discretion of the Preparatory School Music teachers and/or ensemble director.
Preparatory School Rock Band
This group is re-auditioned each year. The Rock Band will include up to two vocalists, one keyboard player, one bass guitar, one guitar and one drummer. This group performs at a variety of school events.
Senior School Ensembles
Concert Bands
Our Senior Concert Bands are divided into year level ensembles, with a few exceptions. The Intermediate Concert Band has membership for students in Years 7 through 9, while the Senior Concert Band has students from Years 10 through 12. All students in these ensembles should be undertaking tuition for their instrument. Concert performances include School Concerts and performances, and the annual ABODA competition and Music Night.
Senior Orchestra (Years 7 - 12)
The Senior Orchestra involves all string players. Brass, woodwind and percussion players are included to balance each section. The repertoire includes mostly classical arrangements and compositions. All students in this ensemble should be undertaking tuition on their instrument. All students in these ensembles should be undertaking tuition on their instrument. Concert performances include School Concerts and performances, the annual ABODA competition and Music Night, as well as Strings and Orchestra Night.
Big Bands (1, 2 & 3 by audition)
These bands perform jazz, blues and swing music. Players are auditioned from the Senior Concert Band and Senior Orchestra. In addition, these groups have keyboard and guitar players. To qualify for a position, students must maintain a position in a Concert Band or Orchestra. Concert performances include School Concerts and performances, the annual ABODA competition and Music Night. Some Big Bands take part in Generations in Jazz and performances outside of school including Westminster Jazz Night at the Gov and Big Band Bonanza at Norwood Live.
String and Flute Ensemble
Each ensemble varies in membership from five to 20 players depending on the ensemble. To qualify for these ensembles students must maintain a position in either the Orchestra or Concert Band. Groups may be formed annually depending on numbers and demand.
Guitar Emsemble
It is desirable that students in these ensembles are involved in other groups, but not essential. Membership of these ensembles is usually at the discretion of their Directors. Groups may be formed annually depending on numbers and demand.
Senior Vocal Ensemble (Years 7 - 12)
This ensemble is open to any senior student from Year 7 to Year 12 who can sing in tune. Although, generally students are not auditioned, there may at times be a need to audition for particular parts and solos within the ensemble. Senior Vocal Ensemble take part in events such as the annual Tenebrae service, Sing Sing Sing, Music Night and the Community Carols event.
Vocal Jazz / West Direction (by audition)
Students in these ensembles are auditioned and are selected from members in the Senior Vocal Ensemble where they must maintain a position. Students perform a variety of popular and jazz pieces. The ensembles have a membership of between 9 to 16 students. These ensembles take part in events such as the annual Tenebrae service, Sing Sing Sing, Music Night and the Community Carols event.
Boys Vox Combo
Students in these ensembles are auditioned and are selected from members in the Senior Vocal Ensemble where they must maintain a position. Students perform a variety of popular and jazz pieces. Boys Vox Combo take part in events such as the annual Sing Sing Sing, Music Night and the Community Carols event.
Fusion Strings (By Invitation)
Students in this ensemble are selected from members of the Senior Orchestra where they must maintain a position; however, in some cases, younger students who are advanced on their instrument can also join. This will be done at the Director of Music’s discretion and if that is the case, a personal conversation will ensue.
Directed by a visiting tutor, and professional in their field, Fusion Strings is designed for students interested in a variety of genres to develop their knowledge of the role of string players in modern music. Students perform a variety of popular and alternative pieces that are not necessarily traditional. Concert performances include School Concerts and performances, the annual ABODA competition and Music Night, as well as Strings and Orchestra Night.
This ensemble is open to students with at least one year's experience on their instrument. They rehearse Tuesday lunchtimes, with rehearsals starting in Term 1, week 3. Rehearsals continue each week until mid-Term 4.
Students will be required to arrive, ready to play at 12.45pm. It is encouraged students bring a packed lunch to school on these days and eat this before rehearsal. They need to bring their instrument, required equipment, music, and a pencil to every rehearsal.
Music Production Group (Years 7 - 12)
Students who are interested in IT and music production including composition and arranging are eligible for this co-curricular activity. A basic music understanding is preferable; however, all skills will be learnt as required. Students do not need to play an instrument to be involved in this group.
Music Production Group takes place in the Performing Arts Technology Lab (Forder Centre – Level 2) every Tuesday afternoon, 3:45-5:15pm, and the Technology Lab will also be open for these students on Thursdays at lunchtime 12:45-1:30pm. Students use software such as Sibelius and Abeltone as well as other software programs. Many students compose original works that are collated and added to the production of an album through various platforms such as sound cloud.
There are opportunities for students to provide music recordings throughout the year including before/after school assemblies, events and performances. Each year we aim to produce an album of music to be shared on various streaming platforms.
Guitar Ensemble, Rock Bands, Jazz Ensemble & Percussion Ensemble
It is desirable that students in these ensembles are involved in other groups, but not essential. Membership of these ensembles is usually at the discretion of their Directors. Groups may be formed annually depending on numbers and demand.
Agriculture - Show Team
Royal Show Team
Lead by Andrew Malcolm, Head of Agriculture
The Royal Show Team provides students with direct exposure to the world of Showing. This hands-on, and often unforgettable experience allows students to form tight bonds with their animals, witness some of the most superior animals in the industry, and the opportunity to hone and parade their skillset to a vast audience of hundreds of passionate onlookers.
However, showing livestock as a skill only makes up a very small proportion of Agriculture. The Royal Show provides a platform for connection and collaboration between industry stakeholders to improve our production goals both individually, state, and nation-wide, and enhance the genetics and performance of livestock.
An immersive experience, students who partake in the Royal Show Team benefit greatly from engaging with industry professionals, partaking in real-world discussions, and further developing their awareness and understanding of the future opportunities and challenges that exist within the Agriculture sector.

WestVenture and WestQuest
An extension of Westminster School’s Outdoor Education Program, WestVenture and WestQuest is a signature experience offered to students in Years 9 and 10.